Stay-at-Home Mom's Study


8:45 am Sunday School ~ 10 am Worship

 December 14, 2021

 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

 1605 New Home Road Titus, AL 36080

Stay-at-home mom's face the unique challenge of communiating with children most of everyday but often not speaking to another woman for days at a time. Although many moms feel that God wants them to stay home and raise their children, they were never meant to do life alone. Doing one should not negate the other!  Relationships are key to making it through life well, and this Bible study provides the opportunity to spend time digging into God's word while building those relationships with other women and deepening friendships so that when the end of the proverbial rope has been reached, there is a support system in place to encourage the mom who can't find the strength for one more diaper change or bad test score. Plug in and find the encouragment you need, or be the encouragment for another mom whose shoes you've already chased a toddler in!  

Current Study Begins 04/12/2021Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full; Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms  / Author: Gloria Furman