The Attributes of God


8:45 am Sunday School ~ 10 am Worship

Mar. 22, 2020


In view of our current situation, being subject to the authorities that are over us according to Romans 13, we are practicing social distancing for the sake of battling the Corona Virus. It has been the custom for my ministry to walk through books of the Bible verse-by-verse to help us understand the impact of the continuity of Scripture and the complete fulfillment of the OT that we find in our Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. However, I felt led to help us find peace and comfort in these uncertain times. To do that, we will look to the attributes of God and secure our hope to these truths as we wait upon the Lord to deliver us from this COVID-19. We rejoice in the fact that we have already been delivered from our greatest foes, sin and death, by the precious blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Yes, these times are uncertain, but I am certain of this: We will be victorious over this, even over all things because according to Romans 8, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. This is the promise given to us through the Gospel of Jesus. Let us face this time with confidence in the One who holds us fast.

1. God is always.

a. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God..."

i. The beginning of all things is God.

ii. Not one thing exists apart from God.

b. John 1:3

i. As the creator, God has authority.

ii. R.C. Sproul says it this way, "If, there ever was nothing, there could never have been anything, and if there is anything, there always was something."

c. Romans 11:36

i. Beautiful doxology about the mystery of God and salvation. It is from Him alone, a gift alone, that we can not earn. It is only by faith.

d. God is from everlasting to everlasting.

i. 1 Chronicles 16:36

ii. Dan 4:3

iii. Psalm 90:2

iv. Daniel 7:9

1. His purity and power were present before all time.

2. God is all knowing.

a. Isaiah 46:8-10

i. God knows the end before the beginning.

ii. God's only counsel is God Himself.

1. Ephesians 1:11-12

2. Romans 11:33-36

a. That beautiful doxology again. If we get this then we understand how God works all things together for our good.

iii. God knows all things far beyond our understanding.

iv. After all his troubles, Job questioned God. Let us look at the response.

1. Job 38: 1-3

a. Incredible: The tilt of the earth, the gravitational pull...

b. God's knowledge and wisdom bring about the greatest ends.

i. Isaiah 55:9

ii. Christ' knowledge of Judas plan led Him to fulfill the greatest need of man. He was not caught off guard. As Judas approached, Christ welcomed him, "Do what you came to do."

c. Steve Lawson as he talks about the attributes of God: "To have knowledge and no power is useless. To have power and no wisdom is dangerous. But praise be to God! He is both perfectly."

3. God is supremely sovereign!

i. Isaiah 46:10 "...My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose"

ii. Revelation 1:8

b. God has not abdicated His throne.

i. That is failed to fulfill.

1. Psalm 11:4

2. Dan 4:3

c. Nothing in all of creation has escaped the eye of God.

i. Matthew 10:26-31

1. If He keeps his eye on the sparrow, I know He watches over me.

2. God is aware of our condition.

d. All things in creation are subject to God.

i. Romans 8:20

1. All of creation groans together with us as we await restoration that comes through Christ.

e. Job 42:1-6

1. Job stood in awe of the wisdom and greatness of God. We must do the same.


Because of these truths, we can praise even through this tumultuous time of uncertainty. Because of these truths found in scripture, I can rest knowing that all things, being subject to God, are being worked together for my good and God's glory. The same God who laid the foundations of the earth set the limits to the oceans and told them to come no further. The same God that causes the rain to fall and the grass to sprout up, the one who tells the mountains how high to climb, is the same God that rules over every sickness and affliction. Because of the Scriptures and the promises of God, I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor power, nor heights, nor depths nor anything else in all of creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.