Jesus is Greater


8:45 am Sunday School ~ 10 am Worship

Mar. 01, 2020


Text: Matthew 12:38-42

Background: If I could put Matthew 12 into a sentence, it would be Jesus is greater than all of the Old Testament. He has concluded his training of the Apostles; Chapter 10. Beginning to teach in Chapter 11 he begins by calling Israel to repentance and challenging them to find their hope and rest in Him. Now we are at the proclamation of Jesus' supremacy over all of the heroes, the priests, an the temple. Establishing his authority as the ultimate teacher an fulfillment of the prophecies of old. He is greater.


1.) The signs are not the Savior!

a. A storm calmed. (Matthew 8:23-27)

i. Jesus has authority over nature.

b. A paralytic walks (Matthew 9:1-8)

i. Jesus has authority over affliction.

c. A dead girl rises. (Matthew 9:18-26)

i. Jesus has authority over death.

The signs point to the Savior but do not save.

2.) The wicked redeemed will judge the righteous prestige!

a. Tyre and Sidon are in better shape than Horazin and Bethsaida. (Matthew 11:21-22)

b. Sodom and Gomorrah than Capernaum. (Matthew 11:23-24)

c. Nineveh and the queen of the South (Sheba, 1 Kings 10:1-13) will judge the unrepentant of Jesus' day.

These Old Testament accounts lacked the full revelation of the Savior.

3.) Jesus is greater.

a. Jonah delivered the message to 120k.

i. Jonah died.

b. Solomon completed the temple. (2 Chronicles 7:11)

i. Hebrews 3:3 the builder has more glory than the house.

ii. Solomon died.

Jesus died, but praise God, He rose!

Conclusion: We now have the more full revelation of Jesus. We have the resurrection. This is our hope; our anthem; our plea. As Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of the fish called great to deliver that pagan city Nineveh; Jesus our eternal Savior spent three days in the belly of the earth that He might once and for all deliver sinners from the hand of God. Come to Jesus today.